Forum o OTS'ach
1.¦ci±gamy ots z dzial Serwery OTS (rade ¶ci±gn±c ots YurOTS 0.9.4 , a na pvp-enfo HoTServ 1.5.0 )
2.Rozpakowujemy obojêtnie gdzie.
3.Wchodzimy na i sprawdzamy ip swojego OTS.
4.Wchodzimy w config i ustawiamy o tak (bez tych strzalek i napisów po prawej):
-- Config file for otserv
-- Comments sthackrt with hack --
-- dhackthackdir
dhackthackdir = "dhackthack/" --- to zosthackwihackmy
-- mhackpfile
-- sets whhackt mhackp to lohackd
mhackpfile = "dhackthack/world/mhackp.otx" --- to zosthackwihackmy
-- loginmsg
-- the messhackge the plhackyer gets when he logs in
loginmsg = "Withackj nhack moim OTS" --- tu wpisz co mhack sie pokhackzhackc jhackk ktos bedzie chcihackl sie zhacklogowhackc nhack twoim ots.
-- port
-- the port otserv listens on
port = "7171" --- to zosthackwihackmy
-- servernhackme
-- nhackme of our server
servernhackme = "OteesLhackndihack" --- nhackzwhack serverhack ( tj. hackntichack, lunhackrhack itp.
-- ownernhackme
-- nhackme of the owner of our server
ownernhackme = "Rysiu" --- nhackzwhack w³hackscicielhack
-- owneremhackil
-- emhackil of the owner of our server
owneremhackil = "" --- to zosthackwihackmy, hackle mozesz wpishackc mhackil'hack swojego
-- url
-- the url for more server info
url = "" --- stronhack serverhack ( niekoniecznhack )
-- lochacktion
-- the lochacktion of the server
lochacktion = "Polskhack" --- krhackj
-- ip
-- the ip the server should redirect too
ip = "tu wsthackw swoje ip" --- o tym nhackpisze nizej
-- motd
-- The messhackgebox you sometimes get before you choose chhackrhackcters
-- not working yet
motd = "Welcome to the NeXus" --- to co wyswietli przed wybrhackniem posthackci
-- mhackx number of plhackyers hackllowed
mhackxplhackyers = "850" --- ile grhackczy nhack servie
-- exhhackusted time in ms (1000 = 1sec)
exhhackusted = 3*100 --- usthackwienihack exhhackusted, lepiej zosthackwic
-- how mhackny ms to hackdd if the plhackyer is hacklrehackdy exhhackusted hacknd tries to chackst hack spell (1000 = 1sec)
exhhackustedhackdd = 3*100 --- zosthackwic
-- how long does the plhackyer hhacks to sthacky out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec)
pzlocked = 1*10*1000 --- zosthackwic
-- hackllow multiple logins of the shackme chhackr
hackllowclones = 1 --- zosthackwic
-- vochacktion nhackmes
vochacktions = {"hack sorcerer", "hack druid", "hack phacklhackdin", "hack knight"} --- zosthackwic, ew. jesli chce sie zmienic nhackzwy profesji
--Pvp ON/OFF ( ON = 1 // OFF = 0)
pvp = 1 --- server pvp hacklbo nie pvp
--- SQL phackrt (probhackly buggy)
sql_host = "lochacklhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_phackss = ""
sql_db = "otserv" --- zosthackwic
(na niektórych ots jest to trochê inaczej zapisane , ale i tak rubcie tak jak tu pisze).
5.Teraz sie zajmiemy numerami postaci.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<account pass="has³o" type="1" premDays="15">
<character name="nick postaci" />
Tak jak zapiszemy to taki bedzie numer to wiêc zapisujcie liczbami ¿eby wam nie wyskoczy³ jaki¶ b³±d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6.Teraz sie zajmiemy postaciemi.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<plhackyer nhackme="nick postaci" hackccount="2" sex="1" lookdir="0" exp="98800" voc="1" level="20" hackccess="0" chackp="600" mhackglevel="30" pkills="0" mkills="0" pktime="0"><sphackwn x="337" y="82" z="7"/><temple x="337" y="82" z="7"/><guild sthacktus="0" nicks="0" nhackme="" rhacknk="" nick=""/><hehacklth now="200" mhackx="200" food="0"/><mhacknhack now="400" mhackx="400" spent="0"/><look type="128" hehackd="0" body="0" legs="0" feet="0"/><skills><skill skillid="0" level="10" tries="0"/><skill skillid="1" level="15" tries="0"/><skill skillid="2" level="10" tries="0"/><skill skillid="3" level="10" tries="0"/><skill skillid="4" level="10" tries="0"/><skill skillid="5" level="18" tries="0"/><skill skillid="6" level="35" tries="0"/></skills><inventory><slot slotid="1"><item id="1730"/></slot><slot slotid="2"><item id="1890"/></slot><slot slotid="3"><item id="1411"/></slot><slot slotid="4"><item id="1736"/></slot><slot slotid="5"><item id="1788"/></slot><slot slotid="6"><item id="1724"/></slot><slot slotid="7"><item id="1877"/></slot><slot slotid="8"><item id="1874"/></slot></inventory></plhackyer>
Zapisaæ nickiem postaci (nick taki jaki podali¶cie w dokumencie i sie musi zgadzaæ z dokumentem z od numerów z punktu 5.
7.W³añczamy ots i wszystko powino chodziæ.
8.Jak wam sie nie podoba ta mapa to mo¿ecie zrobiæ swoj± link jak pobrali¶cie ots YurOTS 0.9.4 to juz macie edytormap.
[color=red]hej... Mi jako¶ nie pykn±³ ten ots!!! Ju¿ mia³am ots'a wcze¶niej, kiedy¶ tylko ¿e znudzi³ mi sie i usunê³a, a teraz znowu chcem mieæ ale ju¿ zapomnia³am jak siê robi³o mniej wiecej pamietam ale nie do konica ;p;p moje GG 2007237 wrazie jak bd ktos chcial mi pomuc :d